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5 Killer Teen Patti Variations you must try when you next play

Teen Patti Variations are fun to try in your next game. And what’s more, we have 5 killers Teen Patti Variations for you. If you love playing Teen Patti, then using these twists will up your game and will make the game more entertaining.

Rules of the Teen Patti Game:

Let we first understand the rules of the Teen Patti Game:

  1. The game starts when all the players place their 1st bet. After this the dealer deals 3 cards one time at a time to each player.
  2. The objective of the game is to win the entire pot by being the only player to not fold their hand or by having the highest-ranking hand at the end of the round.

 Teen Patti Sequences:

The hands are ranked in the order of highest-ranking cards to lower-ranking cards and make various sequences:

  • Trio: Trio of three cards in the same rank is the highest card. The best Trio is three Aces and the least The trio is three 2s.
  • Straight Flush: Here three cards in sequence and in the same suit. The best cards are Ace, Two and Three in the same suit and the least cards are 4,3 and 2 in the same suit.
  • Straight: In this three cards are in sequence, but not in the same suit. The best cards are Ace, Two, and Three from different suits. The least cards are 4, 3, and 2 from different suits.
  • Flush: Three cards in the same suit. If there is a tie, ranks will be compared. The highest being Ace, King and Jack and the lowest being 5, 3 and 2.
  • Pair: Here two cards in the same rank make a pair. Like two Aces from different suits. If players have ties with a pair, then the highest-ranking pairs will be chosen as the winner. The highest pair is two Aces, and the lowest is two 2s. If the pair also are a pair, then the third card is checked for the highest rank.
  • High Card: This is applied when a player has not made any previous hands. A player with multiple high card hands, the player with the highest cards wins.

Also Read: Teen Patti Guide: How to win money playing Teen Patti?

Game Play of Teen Patti:

  1. Players can play the game in two ways – Seen or Unseen (Blind). If they choose Seen, it means they can look at their three cards. Whereas, if they choose to play Blind, they leave their cards to face down and do not see their three cards. If a player plays Blind at the start can choose to see their cards later in the game.
  2. The player on the left of the dealer places the first bet and is also the first to fold the game.
  3. To stay in the round, the player must bet the current stake at minimum or can bet a double the current stake at maximum.
  4. A player who plays seen must bet double the current stake at a minimum and 4x the current stake at maximum to stay in the round.
  5. If the player does not want to bet for a round, the player can fold.
  6. Whenever the stake if the bet is raised by a player, the other players have to follow suit. If a player is playing blind, then that player will bet half of the raised stake.
  7. Betting must continue until at least two players remain till the end of the round.
  8. The players can ask for a show by placing a bet and can even raise the stakes.
  9. Both players then show their cards and the player with the highest rank wins the game and takes home the money.
  10. If all the players fold except just one player, then the player who did not fold wins the winning pot.
  11. Some online casinos have the feature of Sideshow. In this, a player can bet and request for another player to show and compare their cards. The player has the choice to refuse a sideshow. However,, if they accept the sideshow, then the cards are compared. Sideshow can happen when there are more than two players in the game. The player with the lowest-ranking cards will have to fold. If the cars are a tie, then the player who requested the sideshow will fold.

5 killers Teen Patti Variations:

1. Jokers in the Middle:

Give 3 cards each are dealt between the players. Only 2 cards are open on the table from the pile cards. All the numbers between those 2 cards will be Jokers for the game. Eg. One card is 5 and another card is 9. So, all the cards between 5 and 9 are jokers. Namely 6, 7, and 8.

2. Odd Sequence:

In this variation, the usual Teen Patti sequences are not made with consecutive cards such as 5-6-7. Instead, only alternating cards that are odd numbers can be made.

3. AK47:

In this game, the four cards Ace, King, 4, and 7 are considered jokers. And the game proceeds as usual.

4. Closest to 555:

When all the players get the 3 cards each, they have to put together the 3 cards to make the trio number closes to 555. The closest number can be higher or lower. Whichever numbers the players make, the numbers are divided by 555, the hand with the least difference will win the game.

5. Alternating Sequence:

Here, three cards are dealt with each player. The players have to make an alternative sequence of the cards of any suit. A player can discard the card they do not need, and then take a card from the pile of cards that are face down. They have to take and discard cards till a player makes an alternating sequence. The player who can make the alternate sequence faster with the least number of takes and discards wins the game.

Teen Patti Faq’s

How many types of Teen Patti are there?

There are two types of Teen Patti. One can be played with 52 cards without the Joker cards and the other is played with 52 cards and the Joker cards.

How many variations are there in Teen Patti?

Teen Patti has many variations, can be more than 50. The game has added so many variations depending on the players. In this blog we have mentioned the 5 best variations you can use while playing Teen Patti.


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